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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Organic Skincare : Friend or Faux?

In the past, the mere thought of an organic beauty product made me want to cringe.
The phrase itself made me think of the 'beauty' sections in health food stores which sell/sold items like black tar soap and hemp exfoliator (or something along those lines).
So needless to say, I have stayed far, far away from any 'organic' beauty products for a long time. The only instance I ever came close to using a 'natural' product was when one of my favorite cosmetic companies claimed one of their new products was of '98% natural origin' - what does that even mean? Haha!
However, about a week ago I was lucky (yes, lucky) enough to attend a half-day training seminar on a new-ish line of organic skincare products called KIBIO.
KIBIO is a company that is owned by Clarins, which if you are familiar with any of their products you know that they are F-A-B (and actually MADE in Paris)! The name KIBIO originates from 'KI' which means engergy and 'BIO' which means natural or pure.
The whole idea behind the line is to provide you with the highest percentage of the most top quality ingredients for incredible performance and results on your skin.
And I must say - I believe them.
The main difference that sticks out to me between KIBIO products and all other skin care products is that the majority of cosmetic skincare products that are readily availavble are over 50% water, which is mainly used as a filler. In KIBIO products, the water that makes up most of your cream, is composed of floral waters. Which are providing your skin with extra nutrients, instead of just filling up your jar! How cool is that?
Anyway, KIBIO products have officially won me over in consideration to the fact that a) they actually smell amazing b) the textures are phenommmmeennalll and c) they WORK!
Here are the two that I tried:

KIBIO Fresh Pureness foam and Intemporelle Essentielle Day/Night Cream

Fresh Pureness Foam is really intended for an oily skin, but I am combination dry/dehydrated and I did not find this too drying at all! What shocked me the most is that it actually removed ALL of my make-up! It smells a bit like peppermint but is not too overwhelming. Something a little bit on the odd side - you have to massage the foam into a dry skin or the water will completely dissolve the suds. I must admit, it feels alittle disgusting but your skin will feel sooo soft and smooth afterward that you will forget all about it!

Intemporelle Essentielle Cream : Preventative Aging and Detoxification? SIGN ME UP! That is like my holy mecca of skincare concerns all rolled into one eco-friendly little jar. Now I can't lie, I was temporarily using this cream with Dior One Essential serum which is also a detoxifier, but I know this cream would work on it's own. After the first use, my skin was seriously more hydrated (but not greasy), brighter and softer. I can use this day and night - I absolutely love it and would reccomend it to any dehydrated combination skin!

Double organic certification - very official! This is the real deal!
Several cool facts about KIBIO packaging:
- This jar is made out of completely recycled glass with NO ADDITIVES which means that no harsh chemicals are secretly seeping into your cream. This glass can be recycled and reused a million times without having to add any extra ingredients which is why the packaging is represented by the infinity symbol
- The tin lid is also completely recyclable
- The jar comes in a box which is made of 'origami' packaging - meaning that there is no glue used to hold the box together
- There are no paper pamphlets inside ; absolutely no waste!
- The box is printed with earth-friendly vegetable ink